Monday, July 14, 2014


As many of you know, signing up for a class or for an event is a great way to stay motivated.  Not only does the motivation come from a pure economic framework (investment and returns) but the motivation can also come from a social framework.  Exercisers get energy from one another when in groups and individuals can feel obligated toward one another to show up each day for the class or event.  Today I signed us up for a race in Vail.  I've done a few races here and in Nebraska but haven't checked out a completely new terrain where I probably won't recognize any faces.  I find that if I don't have an event in the distance my training gets a little unfocused; I run a couple of times/week but without intention and I workout here and there.  So I'm glad I took the financial investment for what I know will be a good return of conditioning for a 10k at 10,000 feet in Vail on August 24.
Today's workout:

  • Spring Creek Trail Run (the canal loop) 
  • 20 burpees (day 4 out of 20!)
Find something to participate in and sign up.  You don't have to go in with the mindset of winning or losing (I don't).  Rather, sign up with the mindset of having something to work toward and with the intention of having fun, fueling yourself with the energy of everyone else at the event or class.

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